Our Campers
The Fowler Center serves individuals who have a variety of individuals with disabilities, including cognitive and physical impairments, autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injuries, emotional impairment, and sensory & communication disorders. We maintain a 1:3 staff to camper ratio during all camp sessions. Any camper that will be successful in this ratio is encouraged to attend.
Some campers require 1:1 assistance for medical or behavioral reasons, or due to parental or guardian request. 1:1 aides can also be provided for an additional fee. You may contact The Fowler Center for additional information.
Summer Sessions are first divided by age: Adults (age18+) and Youth (age 6-17). The Summer Adult Sessions are also divided by the amount of care your camper requires. Adults who need moderate to complete assistance with daily care should sign up for Session 1, 2, 8, or 9. Adults who are independent or need only minimal assistance with daily care may sign up for Session 1,2,3, or 4. Youth Sessions 5,6, & 7 are open to youth of all care levels by age. If you have further questions about what session is right for your camper you can check out our descriptions on our Summer Camp Page.
Year Round Sessions are divided by age only.

Family Testimonial
Name: Jackie Hartwick
Camper: Jayden Fair
Relationship to Camper: mother
How long has your camper been attending The Fowler Center?
This was his first year.
What does your camper like most about camp?
Jayden loved the attention, bonding, interaction with staff & other campers. The atmosphere at The Fowler Center for Outdoor Learning made me feel at peace leaving him in good caring hands & he adapted very well with it being his first time. He especially expressed an immense amount of joy swimming & having the lake day activities. Another first for Jayden that he truly seemed to be interested in & enjoy was horseback riding.

How has your camper’s experience at The Fowler Center impacted them, you, your family?
Jayden loves to figure out how to be more independent every day. He finds joy in affection, sharing his bright & outgoing personality with all. Jayden was given a freedom that he’s never experienced before in a safe & caring environment. It was tough for me to cut some of those strings, but after his first camp I wish I had done this sooner for Jayden. He loves the outdoors, speed, the water, adventure & learning new things. This camp provided above & beyond for Jayden & his fellow campers. I couldn’t express my gratitude enough for all who work & volunteer to continue this amazing place! Jayden will be attending on an annual basis & will continue to grow with confidence because of everything The Fowler Center for Outdoor Learning provides for these campers to explore, learn & develop their unique independence & freedom. We love this place!